Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Genoa (Italian: Genova ), in Genoese and Ligurian: Zena,  in Latin , archaically, in English: Genua) is an italian riviera city and a seaport in northern Italy. It is the capital of the Province of Genoa and also of the region Liguria.

The city of Genoa has a population of 610,000 and the urban area has about 900,000 citizens. Metropolitan Area has a population of  1,400,000. It is called la Superba due to its glorious past. Part of the old city of Genoa was mentioned on the Unesco´s World Heritage List  in 2006. The city is rich in art, music, architecture, history or gastronomy.

Genoa  forms the southern corner of Milan-Turin-Genoa industry triangle in north-west Italy, is a major economic centre. It has a GDP of 15.08 billion Euros, which is 1.3% of the national total and the city is ranked 50th in Italy.

The Bank of Saint George is one of the oldest of the world and was founded in 1407. It  played a very  important role in the Genoa’s prosperity since the middle of the 15th century. Today many leading Italian companies are based in this city, including Ansaldo Energia, Ansaldo STS or Edoardo Raffinerie Garrone.

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Sunday, December 12, 2010


Bajardo (aka Baiardo), is a comune in the italian Province of Imperia in the region of Liguria. It has approx. 306 inhabitants. It is located about 110 km southwest of  town Genoa and 25 km west of town Imperia.
There are nice remains of the very old church of San Nicolò.

Bajardo is a medieval village that is elevated at 900 m on a peak of the basin of the Nervia torrent.

Bajardo History

It was first ruled by the Counts of Ventimiglia, then it passed under the rule of Marquis of Ceva and after went under Genoese control back in 1259. Than it remained with Genoa til 1815 when it was part of the Kingdom of Sardinia. The church of San Nicolò da Bari in Piazza Parrocchiale [5] was built in 1893 and replaced the old church that was destroyed by the earthquake in 1887.

Every year there are various festivals held in Baiardo. One is in June an event from hundreds of years ago. Another one of the ruling lords was dedicated to a woman. The women was youg and had a secret lover. One day they tried to escape into the woods. The rich lord sent soldiers for them. She was decapitated. What happened to her secret lover is unknown. Bairado holds also a tree-cutting festival every June. The citizens setup the tree in the central square, have many festivities during the day, and then chop the tree down.